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Star Gate & Empire Locksmith's, customers proudly attest to the fact, that we are known for having the most organized, fully-equipped display of Hardware in The Bronx, if not the entire Metropolitan area. Our store is professionally and successfully managed by Mr. Bernard Lazaro, better known to our veteran customers as, “Bernie.”
At, Star Gate Empire Locksmith Hardware Division, we are outfitted with an abundance of supplies from various fields, such as:
Locks: Deadbolt, Jimmy-Proof, Key-In-Knob, Medeco, Mul-T Lock, Arrow, Schlage, Yale, Angle, Mortise, Cylinders & Plates, Mailbox Locks, a large variety of Cam Locks, and many more.
Keys: Medeco, Mul-T Lock and all other Keys, duplicated on the premises while you wait.
Electrical Supplies: Cables, Electrical Boxes, various Cords, i.e. Extension & Surge Protector, Light fixture repair parts, Balances, large variety of Light Bulbs, Light Fixtures, Plugs & Outlets, Wired & Wireless Chimes, Window & Door Alarms, Timers, Light Strips, All-Types of Batteries, large variety of Flashlights, Thermostats, Transformers, Power Supplies, Smoke & CO2 Detectors, and many-many more.
Electronic Supplies: HDMI Cable Cords, RF Plugs & Cables, Telephone-Wire Plugs & Outlets, Universal Remote Controls, Audio & Video Cables-Outlets-Plugs-Switches-Adapters & Splitters, Indoor & Outdoor - HD-Antennas, Cable Ties, and more.
Computer/Phone Accessories: HDMI Cables, Plugs & Outlets, CAT-5 Cables, Telephone Chargers, USB Cables-Micro, Apple, & USB-C, Adapters, Bluetooth accessories, Headphones, Travel Chargers, and much more coming soon.
Plumbing: Copper/Black/Galvanized/PVC/Brass Pipes & Fittings, Toilet Repair Kits, Snakes, all types of Cement, Water Filters, Washers, Strainers, Plastic Tubes {all-sizes}, Lavatory/Kitchen/Wall Faucets, Shower Buddy, Drain-Pipes & Drain accessories, Pipe Connectors, Quick Connectors, Shower-Heads, Plumbing Tools, Thermal Couplers, Gas Hoses, Stems, Escutcheons, Valves & Knobs, Pipe Insulation, and much-much more.
Paint: Oil & Latex Primers & Paints, Stain, Polyurethane, Shellac, and Huge Variety of Spray Paints.
Paint Supplies: Brushes, Trays, Drop-Cloths, Color Tubes, Sand Paper, Sand Sponges, and much more.
Doors & Windows Hardware: Hinges, Peep-Holes/Eye-Viewers, Push & Kick Plates, Latch Protectors, Strikes, Window Locks, Window Balances, Window & Door Insulation, Dummy Cylinders, Door Stoppers, Foot Bolts, Barrel Bolts, Door Chains, Hasps, Door Viewers, Door Chimes, Storm Door Locks-Springs-Closers, Door Latches, Door Handles, Door Closers, and much more.
Tools: Hand & Power Tools, Cutting Blades, Measuring Equipment, and more.
Hardware: Nuts/Bolts/Nails/Sheetrock Screws, large variety of Chemical-Cleaning-Caulking Supplies, Signage, Corner Braces, Cabinet Hinges, Magnetic Catches, Hook & Cable Tensions, Picture & Mirror Hangers, Clothesline accessories, Wheels, variety of Vacuum Cleaner Bags & Belts, Chair & Sofa Floor Pads, large variety of Tapes, Tie Straps, Child-Safety Devices, Closet Bars, Curtain Rods & accessories, Brushes, Brooms, Mops, Dustpans, large variety of Gloves, Small handheld Kitchen appliance accessories, and much-much more.
Mini-Blinds & Shades: We carry a variety of colors within our section of Mini-Blinds and Shades. With respect to Mini-Blinds, our sizes range from 17”-48” wide, with a height of 64” & 72”. Shades are cut-to-size. Carrying all accessories for shade installation.
At, Star Gate Empire Locksmith Hardware Division…we have what you need. If any item is out of stock, we can order it for you at a 10% discounted price.
We guarantee all of our products!